Monday, August 29, 2005

Golden Spoon

Where you order a small, get a large, and pay for a mini…. Golden Spoon is one of the roomies fav frozen yogurt parlors. Peanut Butter ice cream with hot fudge gets the job done every time. You can even wear those tacky 80’s/early 90’s pants and they will still serve you your frozen yogurt with nuts or sprinkles or oreo crumbles or none - it’s up to you =).

So I know it’s old news but I watched SUPERSIZE ME yesterday afternoon and HOW DO PEOPLE STILL CHOOSE TO EAT FASTFOOD??? The guy was slowly killing himself on a fatty diet - ya know you can’t live without a liver. Morgan even did a bit about Ben & Jerry’s and Baskin Robins (how these larger gentlemen died prematurely around the age of 50), BUUUUUT please, please, please don’t do a documentary on Golden Spoon or Coldstone - thanks!


Anonymous said...

What state do you live in?

Nicole said...

is this a joke?? CA right now...

Anonymous said...

Just check out the 'about me' section. It doesn't say CA, but Tacoma something. Luv U