Thursday, September 01, 2005

I miss my lil' bugga

random, yes I know. I love Roxie Hart!

Some updates that aren't too exciting, but definately blogworthy:

We had our second game of the season against La Sierra University and we beat them 13-0. I scored 6, yeah not kidding. So now we are 2-0. Our game against Pomona Pitzer tomorrow should be a little bit more of a challenge. They dogged us on their website, saying something like "we have a couple games over labor day and then our season begins the next week." or some ish like that.

The men's team had a game against Cal State LA last night and a bunch of us piled into cars and made the trip over many a freeway only to get a little lost, pay for parking, pay for the game, and be heckled but annoying fans. It was hard, but I had to keep my team from getting into a little quarrel with some CSLA volleyball chicas. I have no more to say about the game. One exception: Morton Martenson, #9.

So there's NOWHERE to eat and serena and I were way too hungry but not hungry enough to play the fast-food game - there was a burger king and macdonalds, but remember that I did just watch Supersize Me. So we follow the train of vans that are shuttling the boys to go get food, and where do they stop - yep you guessed it!: a McDonalds. THANKS JAYSON! errrr. So Serena and I decided to walk over to the Jack in the Crack instead - not much of an improvement. But I really can't stomache the golden arches right now.

"ARE YOU KIRINNE (kidding) ME???" - Cristian

My favorite Peruvians on the team: Rodrigo and Cristian. Rodrigo megged two CSLA players in a row at the game - it was sweet. Cristian is the fastest, and not to mention the hottest, guy out there.


Anonymous said...

A real enlightening blog. Don't stop now. I'm sure you'd be interested in god grace regarding information on god grace

Nicole said...

what is this?? you guys are like using my comment space to advertise for your sites - not cool one bit. =) if this problem persists i may have to change the settings so that comments are no longer a privelage for anonymous commentors.

Nicole said...

comment commenty commentory comments... commenty comment comment... yeah.

Anonymous said...

Ok Nicole, love the blog. Also, don't dis the guy who left the ad for his blog. I checked it out...pure entertainment.