Friday, January 13, 2006

spiro sisters

tonight was theeeee busiest night of my life @ PJ's... the screen was filling up faster than it was being fulfilled.... too much demand, not enough supply... under-staffed during rush hour on a friday night... what more can I say??... but that I handled it like a pro. =) Miguel, the near-ideal manager, is done after tomorrow - he's being bumped up to GM and will no longer work in my restaurant... I'm anticipating some new hothead with a stick up his/her butt - I'm prepared to play my 2 weeks card at any time... maybe that's a little pessimistic.

so my sister-in-law, bridget, and her two sisters, lucy and jamie, are flying into orange county tonight and staying the weekend with me so they can hit up disney land the next couple days. i think its awesome that they are crashing in the dorms instead of a hotel, buuuuut since tristen said my room was on par with the one she stayed in while working in China... I kind of feel sorry for the sisters. anyway, disney land is a hop, skip and a jump from campus and I am honored to chauffer the lovely bridget, lucy and jamie during their stay. oh, and i finally unpacked from arriving over two weeks ago... something i would have put off until mi madre comes to visit or when classes start - whichever comes first. im glad i finally had a reason to clean the place up - besides the silent nagging by my roomie Shaunna - two words: clean freak. every room needs one, though, right?


since the spiros crashed at the dorms I switched up my usual sleeping arrangements and awoke this morning in shaunna's bed. I noticed some writing on the bottom of my bunk - above christine's - and I could make out my name so I got up to read the entire message... this is what it said: To Nicole America sucks go Chivas! From: Jessica's brother

when he says 'america' he is referring to my favorite mexican league soccer team "club america". "chivas" is their biggest rival and, consequently, his favorite team. here is a picture of the little brat - I guess he's not too shabby at futbol.

Bridget said she hardly slept and jokingly complained that Jamie kept her up half the night - I told them that the bad attitudes were gonna have to hault because I was taking them to the happiest place on earth. I called the Disney Land "hotline" - I guess you would call it information line - but anyway the lady that answered spoke so perfectly that I mistakened it for a recording and waited to hear directions or what buttons I was to dial next... but nothing, just silence... nervously I hung up and called back and she answered exactly the same way - verbatim, didn't miss a word or pitch. I apologized for hanging up on her and explained my reaction and asked her about ticket prices and deals, so she transferred me to some guy who spoke just as eloquently - and surprisingly not fake at all. After he answered my inquiries I told him thank you and he said "Have a magical day!" It was pretty sick, and I mean "gag me"-sick.

the sky was a shade of morning blue, clear of clouds and sunny when I dropped Bridget and her sister's off at Disney Land. the forecast for the day was rain and evening showers - but the showers happened to begin just as I was leaving the park. I felt really bad because the three of them all left their jackets, deceived by the 9am sun, but when I got a hold of Bridget on her cell phone she let me know that they snagged some ponchos - I hope they have pictures =).

after dropping them off I headed over to Buena Park for my softball alumni game - the alumni beat us by a few runs and we cut the game short due to the weather. Grana & Edginton, professor and dean of hiu - also alumni coaches, were able to cut it to 7 1/2 innings... it is a rarity for Coach Shawver to cancel a game, so we played in the rain that came and went every 15-20 minutes... just enough to get us soaked so that when it stopped a cold wind would start to make us even more miserable. my hands became numb by the third inning - but I noticed that wet gloves and a bat made for a good grip - and less sting when the bat met the ball.

game faces: me and jessica between innings... funny thing is Coach had Jessica drive up from San Diego just to be the ball girl... a little bit of exaggeration, yes.

my play of the game award goes to Teberg: top of the first, bases loaded, teberg snags a line drive right down the 3rd base line and as she dove she made a right arm extension to tag her base for the double play. Teberg also had two ropes: a triple that was barely kept in by the fence, and an in-field homer with an alumni relay that didn't have a chance. (teberg is a heck of a catcher too... truth is I don't really know for sure what her real position is... she can do anything).

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