Wednesday, December 07, 2005

octane selection placement conspiracy

ok so really what this is all about is the location of each octane (89, 91, 87) level in association to how most americans read (left to right) and how they categorize things in their head (numerically, i.e. 1 before 2 and 87 before 89 and 89 before 91). it is my firm belief that gas companies have hired psychologists to strategically place the buttons in an order in which the average human being would accidentally and naturally choose the most expensive due to habit and common sense (reading left to right and thinking numerically).

today on the way to my LM practice I stopped at the Mobil station for some gasoline and I nearly pushed the 89 because it was where the 87 usually was located** HOW ANNOYING... I could have wasted precious dollars that belong to mi madre =) (see how much I really care - its not even MY money).

**at chevron stations I have noticed that the the order is 87 91 89
at the 76 stations i have noticed it is backwards: 91 89 87

so you've been told. you are aware. don't fall victim to this gas station trickery.

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