I try not to make goodbyes memorable... because I simply don't like to remember them and, well, there's too many to recall. A quick kiss and "love you" will do. No lingering. No gazing. No dramatic walking away. My departure was perfectly forgettable.
I spent a long weekend relaxing and playing at the Isaac's cabin in Lincoln City on the Oregon Coast. Nicky and I watched the sunrise out on the boat dock before I headed home.
He's back at WSU for his last semester! Classes started yesterday. I drove the 5 hours to Pullman with him last week for my very first time - the trip isn't half bad, including the pit stop in Ellensburg. He saw me off on the Horizon puddle-jump home.
Nick takes the MCAT Sept 13 - pray for him as he prepares! The next three weeks will be a stressful stretch, but I'm confident he will run through the bag. I fly to Pullman that evening.
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