Sbux began serving their new "nourishing blend" in the form of chocolate banana and orange mango banana on Tuesday.
I worked the open at Sbux and the close at Jamba today. On my break at Jamba I visited one of the three Starbucks that are in walking distance from my smoothie store :) I picked up a Chocolate Banana and Orange Mango Banana Vivanno and brought them back to Jamba for my TMs to try.
Starbucks partners will not call the new Vivannos "smoothies" and the reason they will supply: "Vivannos aren't smoothies because they are made with real and simple ingredients."
Jamba sells smoothies that contain all fruit and all fruit juice: the Pomegranate Paradise is pomegranate juice, strawberries, mangos and peaches. No added sugar, no syrups, no sherbet (of course customers can choose Classics and Indulgences on the menu that contain sherbet, peanut butter, vanilla soy milk, chocolate...)
I mimicked the Vivannos using the corresponding Jamba ingredients (including whey protein and fiber powder). They taste eerily similar, although Jamba's "orange-mango-banana" (doesn't exist in this form on the menu) tasted better because it contained fresh squeezed orange juice.
Truth is: I think they all taste bad. Even if you mimicked the recipe with the same ingredients in your own kitchen.
Also: watch out for that 21 grams of protein in a vivanno! It is whey protein (dairy allergen) - nothing wrong with whey, as I take it after I do weightlifting workouts. But everyone might not need those extra calories and protein.
Every food joint lately is coming out with smoothies - what goes into those blends, I do not know. And now McDonald's is coming out with espresso - probably robusto. But I don't think you are stupid -- I think you know what you're getting... I think.
These promotions are all coming out to lure customers in the wake of a struggling economy. Jamba also launched a summer phase 2: the Orange Refresher - another all fruit smoothie (Orange juice, mangos, peaches, banana). Go try it! - but make sure you ask for no "Ready to Use" orange juice and substitute fresh squeezed instead. No extra charge! Order the 16 oz for $2.95, add extra strawberries for 50 cents and ask them to pour it in a bigger cup.
i agree that both of those are disgusting. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on why. my own theories are that it has to do with a bad banana:ice ratio.
"ask for no "Ready to Use" orange juice and substitute fresh squeezed instead. No extra charge! Order the 16 oz for $2.95, add extra strawberries for 50 cents and ask them to pour it in a bigger cup."
thanks for the tip. that's awesome.
I think the drinks are gross because of the whey protein powder. Whey tastes gross and has bad texture. It also expands the drink, making it fluffy and bigger.
My brother used to work at sbux and we were discussing strategic partner beverage markouts. I am going to try the Vivanno with no milk sub water, and no whey protein and fiber. The result would be Odwalla orange-mango concentrate, filtered water, banana and ice.
Baristas will not recommend that you modify the Vivanno recipe and they are backed by corporate.
Your theory about the banana is true. The reason that the ratio is lopsided in favor of the banana is to cancel out the gross taste and texture of the whey. Jamba has a Protein Berry Workout - it is simply soy milk, strawberries and banana mixed with whey protein (or soy protein if you choose). The banana smooths out the whey and also masks it with its sweetness. The milk helps too.
People who intentionally consume whey protein usually buy it in bulk and blend/stir it at home in milk.
strategic and *healthy markouts :)
healthy is key.
Hey Nicole! I still work for sbux, I LOVE the new Vivanno. I add strawberry and no milk though. Or I just bring my own Nonfat Vanilla Yogart, blueberries strawberries and use a banana and the protein powder and make my own smoothie!! Mine is better!!!!
I tried the vivanno today without milk and without the whey/fiber - it was good!
I also like the idea of your additions. Bottom line it needs to be modified. I bet a lot of partners are excited about the Vivanno because it has opened a new genre of beverage :)
i added extra ice and it was tolerable.
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