Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sports Made Personal

Northshore nannying has nothing on Northshore coaching.

I started a new job this week. I work for Sports Made Personal (SMP), a private company that provides trainers for young athletes. I was referred by TIU men's soccer assistant coach Jason. A phone call and email later, I began training for Justin.

I currently train over a dozen AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization) teams in one week, from 30 minutes to and hour each. The teams I train are from Winnetka, Glencoe, Northfield and surrounding area.

Paid well and under the table
Not the food industry

Shady parents
Inconsistent payday
Angry/disobedient/lying children
Ballet Sally
Juvenile movies/tv

Kids here to play soccer!
Good pay
Physical activity

Working for parent-coaches with poor communication skills or difficult personalities
Kids who obviously don't want to be there (usually at least one per team)

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