Wednesday, March 19, 2008

touch my body

She's back from who knows where, an insect farm featuring symmetrical winged bugs maybe. The ultimate pop icon from the late 90s is still in to butterflies, one-shouldered tube tops and her rack (and out of the public eye: sub-exotic lingerie - Cribs some years ago).

The real news here is not "Touch My Body" (although I'm an "in-the-car-radio" fan of the song - I like the youtube plug, maybe an inadvertent product placement).

Cousin Jamie Collins' man Peter Dyer is a pianist in Carey's traveling band.

Dad & Bob,

As I mentioned at lunch last week, Jamie’s boyfriend, Peter has a gig with Mariah Carey. Anyway, she is singing on Saturday Night Live this Saturday night, so if you can stay up that late (check your listings, I think it is on at 11:30 PM) you might check it out. And who knows what they’ll show of Peter if anything. But it might be worth a watch.

Son & Bro

Peter Dyer, Bennie Rodgers II
on SNL with Mariah Carey Mar 13, 2008

Peter Dyer (pictured; Keyboard) and Benny Rodgers II (Drums) are appearing on the March 15 Saturday Night Live with superstar Mariah Carey. Both musicians were hired for Mariah's band after rigorous auditions conducted by Carey's musical director (and American Idol judge) Randy Jackson.

Musicians Institute

Jamie is also a pianist and a student at Central Washington University.

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