Sunday, March 30, 2008

Master Cleanse Day 7

The end is in sight.

11a Harvest! Joe Stowell. I had a couple stomach cramps mid-sermon and started praying that I wouldn't, ya know, in my chair.

1:30p Prepared full day serving of Lemonade

2:30p Eliminations

3p Lemonade 1 & 2

6p Lemonade 3 & 4

Lemonade 5 & 6

To bed w/o SWF.

No hunger today. No cravings either. How boring.

All four number 1 seeds made it to the final four - crazy. I had three of the four: UNC, Memphis and UCLA. Davidson gave Kansas a run for their money - great game (should have gone for two! why did they settle for deep?).

The Last King of Scotland is a good movie. I recommend it to any adult.

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