Sunday, February 10, 2008

poverty week

total spent: $152
Uh oh... I owe $52.

new york mission team feb 10

The New York mission team is attempting to live poor this week. Team leader Adam Gustine's exercise is to force us to make difficult decisions so that we may adopt a servant-learner posture before we enter the big city in 17 days.

Poverty Week

Every team member has $100 play credit for the week (Monday - Friday)
Every item bought will be a one time payment for the whole week.

Shower $10
Pillow $10
Bed $20 (couches are free)
Toothbrush/toothpaste $2
Shoes $5

Hair tie $2
Change of clothes $30
Winter Clothes $20
Makeup $2

Hairdryer $2
Shaving $2
Shampoo $2
Conditioner $2
Soap $2

Candy $5
Ice Cream $5
Coffee $5
Soda $5
Bottle Water $5
Any snacks or junkfood outside of allowed two meals a day $5

**You can use any of the below items if provided at public places (i.e. Circuit City allows customers to play Guitar Hero)
iPod $279
Television $300
Movies $50
Internet surfing $100
Video Games $200
Magazines and Newspapers $10

If we run out of your $100 and need more items, we have to use our real money or borrow from a friend. The money we collect is donated to the team fund.

I will bold the items I use over the week (from a free public internet access computer).

It starts Monday February 11th 12:01 a.m.


Nicole said...

This is tough. I planned to budget in movies, but I've spent $90 already and I haven't been:
sleeping in my own bed ($20)
using conditioner ($2)
shaving ($2)
using a hairdryer ($2) no biggy

Winter clothes ($20) killed me - but it was -2 degrees yesterday and 10 degrees today.
Change of clothes ($30) also killed me. That's half of my fake income!

The Namesake is coming tomorrow via Netflix. I'm going to fork over $40 to watch it =).

Nicole said...

Coffee ($5) was unintentional. I applied to Starbucks today and buying a cup of joe was part of the rehearsed routine. That unwanted coffee actual cost me about $9. I shouldn't have taken a sip!

Soda ($5) was deserved. I was at Chipotle and filled my free water cup with Sprite. I admit it.

Conditioner ($2) was necessary. I dyed my hair last week and it came with a weekly conditioner that maintains color and shine.