Wednesday, December 05, 2007

the munchies

I spy:
3 hot-chocolates
Chamomile tea
Chocolate brownie (is there another kind?)
Sierra Mist
Miss Vickie’s Original Recipe kettle potato chips
Some other brand of Mesquite BBQ chips
Coca-cola gummies
4 frappuccinos

$20 bill

The Trinity Hall Café runs on cash and student meal plan munch money. Abby is allergic to corn, egg yolk, and milk, among other things. Corn alone reduces her diet to pretty much nothing. So Abby has a lot of munch money left. We blew half of it last night. And it all was consumed by today, with the exception of the frapps.

More snow! ...and more to come (Friday).

Trinity Hall parking lot. One of those is probably Serenas.

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