Mom and Paps brought home Guitar Hero 3 for playstation 2 just before Thanksgiving -- they like to provide perks for kids they "babysit" (i.e. the Moorehead children).
Just as I arrived home from the airport I was strumming red, yellow and green chords to "Slow Ride" on an oversized video game controller shaped as a guitar -- at the insistence of Jon. Shortly after: I was addicted -- common outcome with Collinses and video games (or any game for that matter -- i.e. Chicago Rummy).
Before I knew it I was strumming blue and orange too.
On Friday Breau and Jon beat the entire game on the medium difficulty level. Dedication. Nope. Sticktoitedness. Maybe. Addiction. Yep. We decided to judge style points in addition to the score the game issued for hitting notes and chords consecutively and reefing on the wammy bar. It was tough. Breau and Jon had similar stances, strums and the genetic Sarge-face.
I was never awarded style points.
So I am back from my 3ish-day Turkey Day Break/tease and I am suffering from a dangerous combination of Hero withdrawal and class workload denial. I am stranded at school for the evening -- because I don't have a car and my roommates and I are no longer on the same schedule (soccer season is over) -- so I harass Abby and Serena in the dorm room of my former residence.
A couple weeks ago Serena was sold a Verizon phone with a bogus rebate at Circuit City, so we made the trip to return it. I nearly put the Voyager on credit -- "So what if I don't have the money -- should I buy it anyway?" (SNL credit card debt sketch with Steve Martin). Although the rebate had expired, Mr. Kiosk assured us that it would be validated.
Before we exited I was summoned by familiar guitar solos, a Wii, and a big screen TV. Yep, Circuit City had a station for rockin' out Hero style.
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