Wednesday, June 29, 2005

playin with the fam

Bridget played Dr. Mario for her first time last night when her and Beau came over for dinner. Let's just say my family has an addiction problem: it's playing Dr. Mario on Nintendo 64. We first were introduced to it at Uncle Ken and Aunt Linda Collins' home on thanksgiving a couple years ago. This led to Dad buying me a nintento 64 for Christmas that same year (don't you love when family will buy something they want for you), then The G-Blocks (grandma and granpa Audett) bought their own within the year. That's not all either... Dad picked up wireless gameboys for the G Blocks so that they could play Dr. Mario on the way to Cancun. on the plane and maybe even in the vista.

This game used to be the greatest game ever made until no one will let me play with them anymore. The truth is I'm just too good. If you want to get embarrassed call me and I'll set up a time to play you one on one. Really I don't understand how people can't get the hang of it - there's just three different colors to match, that's it!! I have to lose on purpose once in awhile if I want to get some playing time. Paps bought me my own Dr Mario when he came to visit me in California. My friends became addicted to playing as well, but nothing changed - they wouldn't let me play either. So now I oficially hate the game and have started to master Mario Tennis.

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